Medicare Advantage plans are an incredible way to obtain health care on a budget, or what most would say… “on a fixed income.”  Recognized as MA plans, they are commonly also known as: Private Fee-for-Service, Health Maintenance Organization, Preferred Provider Organization, or Part C.  Advantage plans are designed mainly to provide additional health care while still obtaining basic coverage to that of what Original Medicare would offer.  The main disadvantages, are choice of providers and not all plans are available to everyone, they are offered in certain service areas (benefits are not guaranteed like those on Traditional Medigap plans).

ADDITIONAL BENEFITSextra coverage, not covered by Medicare
Although, approved by Medicare the companies offering these types of plans have the flexibility to provide additional benefits - most appreciated are:
  Wellness Programs

DISADVANTAGES plan rules apply
Most do not mind the disadvantages, because of the affordability and are happy with the extra benefits; in addition, most are pleased with the providers and remember, plans differ because they are according to your service area.  Therefore, the following listed below may not apply directly to you.  In contrast, others find the following disadvantages not so pleasant:
  List of providers or use of only selected providers
  Not all plans are available
  Possible referrals required
  May have Co-payments, Coinsurance or Deductibles

  Pre-Exsisiting conditions are not subject to enrolling, unless you have ESRD *note special guidelines pertain to End Stage Renal Disease
  You can apply if you are on Medicaid or a VA (Veteran’s Affair)
  According to Medicare, within the first 12 months, you have the right to go back to a Medigap policy if you join a MA for the first time
  Special Needs Plan are considered Part C/MA and Medical Savings Account
  Your doctor can choose to participate on most PFFS plans on a case-by-case basis
  Out of pocket cost are limited
  Some MA plans pay part or all of your Part B premium as well as Part D
  Coverage is available for urgent and emergency situations

Please call us or refer to our other tabs for additional information.  We strongly recommend that you refer to the official government handbooks and publications offered by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for more details.   www.medicare.gov  1-800-252-9240.
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